
【字体: 时间:2008年09月01日 来源:Nature


  2008年8月19日,北大生科院翟中和院士,特聘****舒红兵(通讯作者)Nature子刊Cell Research发表最新细胞信号转导文章。



Cell Research advance online publication 19 August 2008; doi: 10.1038/cr.2008.277

Negative feedback regulation of cellular antiviral signaling by RBCK1-mediated degradation of IRF3

Min Zhang1, Yang Tian1, Rui-Peng Wang1, Dong Gao1, Yan Zhang1, Fei-Ci Diao1, Dan-Ying Chen1, Zhong-He Zhai1 and Hong-Bing Shu2

1.                               1College of Life Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China

2.                               2College of Life Sciences, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China

Viral infection causes host cells to produce type I interferons (IFNs), which are critically involved in viral clearance. Previous studies have demonstrated that activation of the transcription factor interferon regulatory factor (IRF)3 is essential for virus-triggered induction of type I IFNs. Here we show that the E3 ubiquitin ligase RBCC protein interacting with PKC1 (RBCK1) catalyzes the ubiquitination and degradation of IRF3. Overexpression of RBCK1 negatively regulates Sendai virus-triggered induction of type I IFNs, while knockdown of RBCK1 has the opposite effect. Plaque assays consistently demonstrate that RBCK1 negatively regulates the cellular antiviral response. Furthermore, viral infection leads to induction of RBCK1 and subsequent degradation of IRF3. These findings suggest that the cellular antiviral response is controlled by a negative feedback regulatory mechanism involving RBCK1-mediated ubiquitination and degradation of IRF3.

(生物通 张欢)

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